How CTR, page views and bounce rate can improve your conversion rate


The purpose of online presence is to increase revenue for your business. If you are not getting business through your online presence, it simply means you have challenges to conquer. There are various things that you need to take care of generating business from online sales. Only a good ranking in the search engine does not give your business a sales boost. It only drives traffic to your website.

But after a certain amount of time you lose this presence automatically (Google consider bounce rate too as ranking factor you will read it later in the post.)

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The entire conversion game starts with search engine ranking. Once you start ranking, the primary goal becomes to get a good Click through Rate (CTR). CTR is calculated click multiplied by 100 and divided by impression. A good CTR means you are able to drive traffic on your website. CTR rate can be increased with a good meta description and if you have implemented schema on your web page properly. This 160 character meta description is very handy in sending traffic, so do put some catchy word while writing it. By implementing schema you tell the search engine to show this part inside Google. It also helps in improving CTR. In this way, you have won the half battle.

Once you are getting traffic on your website. The next thing you need to notice is page views. An increased page view means a reduced bounce rate. Once you increase your website page views, it automatically reduces your pressure. It means end-users are engaging with your website. There are three types of website are available in the market. You need to give your user a better experience. If the navigation of a website is smooth, it will help users in going to the next page of your website. You will have to be careful while linking the content. This is one of the reasons behind a long post. You have enough content to link back to your existing post.

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