Reasons Why Email Marketing Should be Your Priority


In the last two decades, many marketing mediums came and have left a mark among marketers. Email marketing is one of such oldest forms of marketing from the digital era. Over the years, email marketing has evolved and stands tall among different digital marketing mediums. Email as plain text to email with GIFs, video, dynamic content, emoticons, and things that make it interactive shows email marketing evolution with technology advancement.

reasons why email marketing should be your priority

To start email marketing, you should have an email contact list. You should grow an email list so that you don’t lose marketing opportunities.

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Yow owns the list

Social media restricts your organic reach. As a marketer, you have also noticed it. The reason is simple social giants are also here to do business. Anything good for their survival, they would do that. Even if your followers count on social media is enormous, your reach will be in the range of 2 to 10%. For the rest of the followers, you will have to run a paid campaign. More or less, this is the case with all social media. Owing to an email list gives you the flexibility to interact with your audience any time of the day.

To leverage email marketing, you must know to grow an email list. The thumb rule is to be consistent in sending emails without annoying your subscriber.

Email builds a relationship with the new customer.

The journey of building a relationship with the customers starts with the welcome email. When someone subscribes, it means they want to hear from you. The thumb rule is to be consistent in sending emails without annoying your subscriber. It will help if you have a good email marketing strategy to build a relationship with the customer.

Email automation is part of the email marketing evolution.

Email platforms have changed over the years. Now we have email automation that allows us to send emails based on an event. You create an email series, and all the emails will be send based on user activity or inactivity. Email automation has reduced marketer’s daily efforts. You can create a life cycle email campaign which is also famous as drip marketing. Such campaigns help you nurture leads with behavioral targeting. Before you start the campaign, you will have to create a sales funnel. Most email automation software allows you to build a funnel.

Email marketing is cost-effective in multiple ways.

What makes any marketing medium cost-effective? Return on investment, right? Email marketing has a better return on investment in comparison to social media. It doesn’t mean you should ditch social platforms because it has its advantage.

Remarketing is way more effective in comparison to other mediums.

Cookies-based remarketing target device. But with the email, you reach the inbox of the person. Understand this in the context of an online store. You abandoned the cart on your laptop. Now you are on mobile, and someone else is using the computer. Using the computer will see the product’s ads, but you can reach the cart abandoner’s inbox with email marketing.

Personalization is one must-have thing for online marketing.

Anything that has your name on it grabs your attention quickly. Email marketing allows you to personalize your content. Depending on the information you collect from your subscriber, you can personalize content. Adding the first name to email content is one of the standard practices of personalization. Understand this with an example. If you are a blogger and you have a subscriber’s name, age, etc. You can create content things. An exclusive tailored email is less likely to be disengaged.

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