How to sleep on time and fall asleep quickly?


One simple and effective rule to improve your sleep cycle is to sleep on time. However, no ready formula will help you sleep on time. You have no choice but to practice specific things to achieve it. Below is whatever I did and my experience that helped me sleep on time. Fun fact, I unknowingly started sleeping on time.

Working from home allowed me to shift in my village. My village is not a stereotype. Ninety percent of houses are well built, and no one is hand to mouth.

The farmer usually wakes up early. 9 pm is late for a village by any standard, whether in summer or winter. This waking up early is only practiced by farmers in villages. I noticed that those who do business or young people don't practice it. The mobile generation is least bothered about waking up early.

sky in morning

Waking Up in the morning won’t fix your life’s problems.

I want to make it clear that waking up in the morning will not change your life. If you want to see change in your life, you will have to work for it. Waking up early will keep you refreshed. I have lived a life where I woke up at 8:30 AM and got ready for the office in 15 minutes and reached the office by 10 AM. If you ask me what I would do if I start working from the office. I would like to wake up at 6 am max. I never felt relaxed by getting ready for office in 15 minutes. Waking up in the early morning set a tone for the day. Now you will have to use the time to fix your life troubles.

If trees are around your house. You can wake up with this view. It is amazing to get up early in the morning to experience the morning breeze.

Here are a few things that helped me improve my sleep cycle.

Important Note: Sleeping on time is one common trait in successful people. You must experience it and see the difference it will bring to your life.

Wake up early

If you wake up early. For example, by 5.30 am. Your body will ask you to take rest after sixteen to eighteen hours. 9.30 to 11.30 pm max, you will feel sleepy. If you follow this for seven days. You will build the habit of sleeping on time. Waking up early is the most important thing for sleeping on time. Whatever I have written in the below paragraph are the tips that will help you get up early in the morning. If you have the willpower to wake up early in the morning then no need to read the below paragraphs.

Don't touch small devices

You can't wake up early if you use your mobile late at night. You will have to cut down the screen time. I have this habit of watching TV shows or movies on Prime Video or Youtube, but in the village, it is reduced.

One of the reasons we touch our mobile at night is we want to entertain ourselves. The definition of entertainment changed for me. TV series or movies are no longer an entertainment source to me. Anything that helps reduce the burden of life is entertainment to me. However, I love watching movies in the theater.

You will have to be strict with yourself. Don't touch your mobile after a fixed time. I avoid seeing my WhatsApp messages after a particular time at night. If someone has an urgency, they will call me.

Turning off your device is crucial if you want to sleep quickly. However, you won't fall asleep for a few days. But you must continue this practice until you start falling asleep quickly.

Walking or Jogging

Most of the time we are not tired enough to fall asleep quickly. Sometimes your mind is tired but not the body. Walking helped me get tired. I will explain this with an example: I set a target to walk 10K steps daily in a month. I didn’t succeed. But walking 10K steps was exhausting. After 7k steps I had to push myself. I used to fall asleep quickly. I also jog. I have experienced that walking or jogging helps you balance both your body and mind.

Complete your dinner early

While working from the office, I got free at 7 pm and reached my home between 8.30 to 8.45 pm. This was my married life routine. Now I am free by 7 pm, and I complete my dinner in the winter before 8 pm and in summer before 8.30 pm. Your partner also needs to be in sync with your plan. The food will be digested early, so you will need to poop. This situation will wake you early.

Reading a book

One of the reasons behind not falling asleep quickly despite going to bed is the mind chatter. We think too much. However, the mind is not like that. We can fix this by bringing good things to mind.

Book photo

Reading is good for your mind and your growth. Books are always on the table beside my bed. However, I am not a bookworm, but I read. Reading before bed is best because it helps in multiple ways. It has helped me reduce my screen time. Before sleeping, this habit will unclutter your mind, which is a good thing. You are going to sleep without any stupid thing on your mind. So you will fall asleep quickly.

My bedroom is for sleeping.

I don't have a TV set in my bedroom. I have kept it for sleep and rest.Though I am not rich, it is just I have extra room so I keep the TV in a separate room. I have kept other rooms for work and entertainment as I work from home. A psychological environment has been created that I have to sleep when I enter my bedroom at night. You can also do this. However, it is not necessary.

Waking up early has its advantages. As I said in the above paragraph, it didn’t fix my life problems. But I feel some benefits because of improving my sleep pattern.

I always felt lethargic earlier. However, fixing my sleep cycle has contributed to my health. I feel more energetic. You all should work on fixing the sleep cycle to reduce the unnecessary burden on your head. Sleep is a natural reliever that most people have forgotten.

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