How to track a customer’s journey to improve marketing and revenue?


One common mistake in online marketing is that we do different things to increase the number of visitors and do little things to improve the experience of those visitors. A marketer's job doesn't end with driving visitors to the website. So you need to look at different things to engage visitors. One vital thing that you should not ignore is how visitors navigate your website. You can convert your visitors into prospects when you know them.


Mapping a customer journey can help you understand the needs and shortcomings of your website. It further enables you to improve the conversion ratio of all the mediums you use to drive website visitors. In this blog, I share the customer journey, its importance, and how working on those journeys improves your overall business.

What is a customer journey?

Customer journey is a visitor path from landing to website engagement and buying the website's product or service. It is an all-in experience for your customers with the brand. Of course, different customers engage with the website differently. However, you will have a similar data set with many website visitors.


The importance of customer journey in online marketing.

You improve on the things only when you know the problems. So how do you know whether your customer has a good or bad experience with the website? For example, after adding to the cart, your customer closed the browser. What are their buying patterns? What made them stay on the website for a longer duration? Was it informative content, or did they compare the products? You will have to dig deeper to know most of the customer's experiences with your brand.

It is advisable to create a customer journey to know the customer's thoughts and feelings. Creating a visual map is challenging, but once you find a customer journey template, it will help improve your website's marketing strategy.

Important Note: With the customer journey mapping template, you know the future journey of a specific customer. Accordingly, you create engagement strategies in advance.

Tracking the customer journey improves your online marketing.

There are multiple tools available that help you map your customer journey. However, if you have an email list of your customer, you can create your customer's journey path. You can generate a way for customer journey with the help of an email marketing automation tool. I have explained a marketing automation glossary in one blog post to understand the terms of marketing automation better.

It improves online marketing because it helps you understand your customer behavior. As a result, you can enhance the conversion rate of all the mediums driving visitors to your website. However, as a marketer, you must invest in a better marketing automation tool that helps you create a customer journey for your business.

It would be best to consider the following things while tracking a customer journey.

  • Take note of customer emotions.
  • Define a goal for customers.
  • List out all points of interactions.
  • Spot the exit point.

Take note of customer emotions while mapping customer journeys.

Most buying decisions are emotional. People go impulsive buying. A customer's expressive characteristics can help you in a personalized marketing campaign. Marketing statistics say that marketing with a customized greeting is the best way to improve email marketing engagement.

Analyzing data will help you understand customer emotions. For example, your brand mentions on social platforms, reviews, or customer service calls are unstructured data and have a message or your brand. From there, you can extract valuable insights. You can also create a survey and ask your existing customer's about their experiences with your brand. Then, keep these insights in mind when you map the customer journey.

Either you define a goal for customers or help them reach their destination.

You own the business, so you know why visitors visit the website. Your users also have a goal to achieve on the website. If you have an online store, the users come to your website for various reasons. Either they want to buy, or they want to know about the product.

You need to recognize your audience and give them what they want. For example, an existing customer browsing pattern will differ from a new prospect. Therefore, know your audience and accordingly help them reach their goals. You can also create a destination for your cart abandoned customers. Please give them a different path to interact with your website again because such customers are in enormous numbers on the online store.

Know all the points of interaction of your customer with the brand.

Note all the points of interaction of your customer with the brand closely. The first touchpoint is your landing page, where you are making customers land. Touchpoints are anything that engages your audiences.

For example, for an eCommerce website, different product pages are a point of interaction for other customers. If your customers are part of your created journey, you can also create different touchpoints based on their engagement with your business website. It is up to the marketer how well they understand the data and generate interaction points for customers to give them better attention to the brand.

Spot the exit points of your customers.

Not all touchpoints will work necessarily in your favor. Therefore it is essential to find the points leading your customer to exit. Different exit points are there for other customers. You will have to note why your specific customer leaves at a particular stage. Mark all the obstructions and fix all of them. The scope of improvement is always in marketing. So it would be best if you monitor and optimize the mapping regularly.

Final Thoughts.

It doesn't matter how well you create a customer journey for your users. However, 100% success for your customer journey is not possible—some users will opt out of the trip at different stages. But it would help if you always strived to improve the performance of the path you create for your segmented customers by comparing the weekly performance of the journey.

For example, if any SaaS marketer has made a customer journey to convert free signups into paid customers. They must look at the weekly paid conversion data that the journey is helping them transform.

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